This LCD is a small I2C display module that has a 16x2 character display. The text appears white on blue, with a dimmable backlight. Information and libraries for this chipset were a little hard to find, so I have listed some resources here for reference.
The officially provided library appears to be some monochromatic re-implementation of Seeed Studio’s Grove LCD RGB Backlight that can be found at:
I could not find a datasheet for this chipset, however I came across the information sheet which had some broken links. (
This display uses a AiP31068L chipset, that is not compatible with the more common HD44780 chipset.
There are actually two I2C devices in the module, one for the backlight, and one for the character display. Their addresses are:
Note for the Arduino Uno, the I2C pins are A4 (SDA) and A5 (SCL).