This LCD is a small I2C display module that has a 16x2 character display. The text appears white on blue, with a dimmable backlight. Information and libraries for this chipset were a little hard to find, so I have listed some resources here for reference.

The officially provided library appears to be some monochromatic re-implementation of Seeed Studio’s Grove LCD RGB Backlight that can be found at:

I could not find a datasheet for this chipset, however I came across the information sheet which had some broken links. (


  • This display uses a AiP31068L chipset, that is not compatible with the more common HD44780 chipset.

  • There are actually two I2C devices in the module, one for the backlight, and one for the character display. Their addresses are:

    #define LCD_ADDRESS     (0x7c>>1)   // character 0x3e
    #define RGB_ADDRESS     (0xc0>>1)   // backlight 0x60
  • Note for the Arduino Uno, the I2C pins are A4 (SDA) and A5 (SCL).